Mediation Services
For Lawyers + Parties to Lawsuits
Leigh has experience and success getting early settlements in cases that can’t be settled cost-effectively, whether that “cost” is money, time, stress, embarrassment, or any of the other things that can make a lawsuit too damaging for your client.
Lawsuits are expensive, time consuming, and destructive
We all know that lawsuits are expensive and time consuming. Often, there isn’t enough money at stake, or available for recovery, to make litigation worthwhile. Lawsuits are often between parties with pre-existing personal or business relationships, which are destroyed, not repaired, by litigation. Even successful litigation has the potential to "cost" more than the business relationship it destroyed is worth. Even a simple lawsuit can be incredibly stressful for the parties. And the human cost goes beyond stress in many situations. Where the subject matter is highly emotional or embarrassing, discovery, depositions, and the public nature of lawsuit can be devastating.
Early settlement is good for parties and their attorneys
In cases that can't be litigated cost effectively, cases where drawn out litigation has the potential to destroy relationships or cause an unacceptable amount of stress to the parties, and cases where there is more than money at stake, an early settlement is in everyone’s best interest.
Transactions can go more smoothly with a mediator involved
Conflict isn’t limited to lawsuits. If negotiations between your client and another party are stalling, or if your clients are running into conflicts while setting up a new company or venture, a neutral third party can get things moving in the right direction.
Call Leigh when
- Your case requires resolution, but can’t be litigated cost effectively – Leigh has experience and success settling cases pre-litigation and early in litigation.
- The parties to your case have an important business or personal relationship outside of the dispute. Leigh has helped many friends and family members resolve ugly disputes over business or real estate while also beginning the process of repairing their damaged relationships.
- The subject matter of your case is highly emotional or embarrassing, and a quick, confidential resolution is required. Leigh has experience helping parties process very difficult and emotional issues in mediation.
- You’re stuck in a negotiation, whether it is a settlement negotiation, a business transaction, or the details of a contract, and you need a neutral third party to get things moving.